I scream from my seat in movie theaters when someone jumps out. In my house growing up, my mom’s & my startle-reflex would make an energetic appearance when we’d accidentally …
“We will ride 31 miles today of undulating hills,” our guide says. We are cycling & sweating our way through the costal hills between Cienfuegos & Playa Larga & Trinidad. …
We sit around the table in the glass conference room at the Push Agency, Jonathan Sacks’s company. He’s our coach this year. Last year it was Scott Novis, the owner …
“Watch out, this rock is slippy.” This comes out of Amy’s mouth, as we are winding our way through El Yunque National Forest. We have all turned 50 this year, …
06/20/2024 I am in a bizarre wormhole through the time and space continuum. All of the chapters of my life are present in this moment, and I’m seeing the patchwork …
Connection Connection: the key ingredient to making my work work. My clients want to strategically plan, to have motivated teams, communicate openly, build a culture of trust, and get the …
Introverts need connection. Extroverts need connection. Ready to deepen your connection? The research shows that we even live longer if we have it. If you missed it, read our article …
List of Government Organizations
Arizona @ Work
Arizona Association of Counties
Arizona Chief Probation Officers Association
Arizona City/County Management Association
Arizona County Clerks Association
Arizona Fiduciary Association
Arizona Fire Chiefs Association
Arizona Law Enforcement Records Management Association