How Do You Bounce Back from Life’s Unexpected Encounters?

by Julie Lancaster View Bio

The other day, I stopped by a hotel to drop off a book. The Flagstaff Leadership Program asked if I would give one of the new resilience stories books to their annual fundraiser, and I was happy to. The hotel was the workplace of Ellen Jimenez, someone I know just a little bit but like a whole lot who has amazing energy, and I feel a kinship with her. Upon seeing each other, we embraced in a big hug. All was well in the world. As we separated our bodies, somehow and in slow motion, the very tip of our noses touched.
In case you aren’t aware, this is typically not an appropriate greeting for acquaintances. To boot, the very moment of the touch, the electric energy from both of our bodies poured into both of our nose tips, making the strongest static shock I think I’ve ever felt. Nothing like the power couple of pain and embarrassment to kick off a friendship. These are the moments in our lives that we can’t plan for and often call for resilience. Without missing a beat, she said “We are electric!” I was grateful for her grace, and we quickly laughed it off. Are there any micro-moments in life that you have had to, for instance, recover from?
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