Moonlit Path

April 7th, 2020, I sat on top of tallest hill in our neighborhood with my two teenage girls strategically placing mason jars with distilled water under the moon lit Northern Arizona Sky – water, mountains and a moon is what we needed during this chaotic new world. Who wasn’t in need of some pink super moon water?

We set our intentions that evening while working in a new unknown territory. The world was under attack by a silent and invisible virus. Set your intention, leave the jar overnight and use the water as you see fit to recharge your energy.

Energy or should I say lack of energy quickly consumed me in Spring of 2020. All days started blending and work turned into hours upon hours of sitting in front of a screen. The list of changes in our lives is long yet months have passed and are we really reflecting on what we’ve learned or are we just numb and adjusted. I started a journal early in the pandemic and found it was a great outlet for all that was happening; however, as the days passed, I felt like there was not much new to write or describe. As I look back at those words, I realize how the future generations will look back and be curious about what happened in 2020 and how we are a part of history in the making.

Many colleagues, friends and family ask when will we go back to normal? We should be asking ourselves why we aren’t content with the now and recognize that there is no “normal” or this is normal.  COVID-19 was an awakening of our Earth it has been an awakening to our souls. Yes, it has been a historic year of change, tribulation, sadness, despair but the sky’s opened up, animals roamed free and human advances accelerated at a pace only possible during times of chaos. We are challenging ourselves as people in ways that are uncomfortable, but why were we comfortable in the first place. Why do we want “normal” and does “normal” even exist?

For some it has been a time of what the….? Each day the universe throws us curve balls and you may or may not be prepared to receive it. The questions I’ve found myself pondering fall into two categories: 1. Are you prepared for change? 2. What do you value? I may not know the answers, but I’ve taken time to pause, to go outside, to reflect, to yearn, to cry, to grow and to challenge myself beyond my normal.

All of us watched as a Global Tsunami with the name of COVID hit one country after another creating fear, panic, and anguish. The months of stress enacted fight or flight and we’ve seen every version of the human response possible. Where do we go from here? My insight and advice are to control the controllable and be flexible not knowing when the next curve ball will come and stop being comfortable. Have a map but you don’t always need a plan.

The world is augmented forever, there is no going back to normal. Today is your normal, tomorrow is your normal. Let the moonlit path guide your way each day by fueling your superpowers and releasing the best of you.  Cheers to a new you!


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