Cultivating Leadership Business Award for October 2020
by Julie Lancaster View Bio
Times of transition can be the optimal time to collaborate with one’s team and have important discussions and create a plan forward. Over the past year, Superior Court in Yuma County has made a commitment to intentional transition of leadership and direction in order to best meet their mission. Lancaster Leadership encourages teams to have discussions about past, present, and desired culture during transition to create a highly functional path forward. Superior Court in Yuma County has been exemplary with have open and forward looking conversations, engaging in coaching, and strategically creating their future.
Everything, Everywhere, All At Once
06/20/2024 I am in a bizarre wormhole through the time and space continuum. All of the chapters of my life are present in this moment, and I’m seeing the patchwork …
COVID & Cancer
To know me, you know that I typically am all in. Sometimes too fast, too energetic, too driven. I need the lessons of pacing, taking a back seat, and “good …