“What does being bold mean to you?”

A few thoughts from some “Being Bold” Women’s Leadership Retreat sponsors:


Maricel Causer​, Fit Moms Flagstaff​  “Being bold means believing you can do the seemingly impossible. It means not quitting even though you really really want to. Being bold means plunging into the unknown with your eyes and heart open.” And on the fitness floor, you might hear her saying, “Magic happens when you step out of your comfort zone. You gotta be bold to push past that. Every other minute of the day may be for someone else. But this is your hour: make it count!”

Julie Pastrick, Greater Flagstaff Chamber of Commerce  “Being bold means a lot to me. First it means feeling the fear/anxiety and believing enough in yourself to do it anyway. And bold can be construed as having the right amount of confidence to seize the opportunity to accomplish your goals despite adversity. Some of the greatest outcomes are caused by bold leaders following their heart.”

Kirsten Mueller, Greenstone Therapy  “To risk being seen for my true self, to surrender to my life exactly as it is, to embody compassion and joyfulness and a sense of exhilaration in being alive; these are my definitions of BEING BOLD.”

John Saltonstall, City of Flagstaff, Arizona​  “What does being bold mean to me? Honestly, Jim Hendrix comes to mind: ‘Bold as Love.’ Yes, life is short, struggles abound, public sector or private sector, we all have competing masters and at the same time life is ours to master. Being bold is living by allowing our internal vision and heart to be manifest in our daily interactions. Being bold is standing alone against our Goliaths with nothing but grit and the grace of God, focused on being true to our hearts and the hearts of those who came before and will come after. Being bold is walking that tightrope of the possible over the chasms of failure, even if it something as simple as saying hello.”

Shelby Woodall, ASIS Massage Education “Everyday that we wake up and join the day we are being bold. For me, to join a day means to meet the sun as it rises, and allow space inside of my heart and mind for the day to be exactly as it needs to be. Sometimes we can be faced with challenges in the process of accepting moments as they are. Even now, I struggle to produce the words my heart knows so well about being bold. To be bold is to be honest in every moment, so that growth transpires for all.”


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