Cynthia Seelhammer is the previous County Manager for Coconino County. As County Manager, she oversaw personnel, budget and day-to-day operations of the second largest county in the continental US. Coconino County is more than 18,000 square miles in size, making it larger than 64 countries, including Switzerland and Slovakia.
Coconino County has a budget of $175 million and employs more than 1,200 people in departments including the Courts, Public Works, Public Health, Community Development, Emergency Management, IT, Parks and Recreation, Facilities, Finance and Budget. The Manager serves at the pleasure of the elected Board of Supervisors.
Cynthia has more than 30 years of experience in local government. Prior to coming to Coconino County, Cynthia served as a Deputy City Manager for the City of Phoenix, and as the first Town Manager of the Town of Queen Creek. She also worked for the City of La Mesa, Calf, Saint Paul, Minn, and Mesa, AZ.
Cynthia has a BA in English from Saint Cloud State University, Minn, and an MPA from Golden Gate University, Calif. She is married and has one son in middle school. In her free time she enjoys horseback riding, cooking, and international travel. She has been part of educational programs to Eastern Europe, India, Japan, Australia and several other countries. Cynthia recently returned from a trip to China where she taught local government at the University of Political Science and Law as part of the ICMA (International County Management Association).
For the past 31 years I have worked in local government, most of the time as a manager overseeing the staff, and working with elected councils and boards. Early on …
List of Government Organizations
Arizona @ Work
Arizona Association of Counties
Arizona Chief Probation Officers Association
Arizona City/County Management Association
Arizona County Clerks Association
Arizona Fiduciary Association
Arizona Fire Chiefs Association
Arizona Law Enforcement Records Management Association