Exemplary Leader Spotlight: Heather Dalmolin

Exemplary Leader Spotlight

Each month, we are highlighting one member from the Group Coaching Intensive for Leaders of Leaders. We believe in learning from our community, and this month, Heather Dalmolin, the CEO & General Manager at Mountain Line, is sharing some wisdom & experience with us.

How long have you been in this role & at this organization?

I have been with Mountain Line for 20 years, serving in the role of CEO and General Manager for almost 2 years.

What are 2 words to describe you & when do you demonstrate those characteristics most?

Care & Detail

I show I care through personal connection and interaction with our team members, whether talking informally about life or professionally about concerns and development.

I show my attention to detail when I ask questions about how and why to ensure we are working together.

How has leadership changed you?

Leadership has encouraged me to lead with my heart, the opposite of what was modeled for me most of my life.  I have learned to trust my heart and instincts to quiet the voice that is judgmental and that uses a measuring stick that is based on how someone else led.  About a year into my new position, I was considering leaving it.  I found myself unhappy as I was caught in a never-ending circle of self-doubt.  I felt like a ping pong ball that bounced around based on what I viewed as success through someone else’s eyes.  I felt like I had lost my voice and was incapable of the job, regretting the change that I volunteered for.  Leadership gave me tools, like getting curious and seeking feedback, and peers that I could connect with. Through the journey, I have found that I am confident in my voice and I don’t have to lose who I am in leading by supporting our team members.  I am happy in my job and proud of how I lead our team.  I am proud to lead not by managing but by support and care.

Can you give 3 practical leadership suggestions that have helped you to be successful?

Never stop learning, always be slow enough to be intentional, and ask the question that leads to high performance.  There is no greater reward to leadership than inspiring great work.


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