Choosing Our Identity

Choosing Our Identity

I’ve had few friends in my life change careers or retire this year. One of the challenges (or gifts) that accompany these bold moves is a challenge to current identity.

As 2024 approaches, I’ve hunkered down with vision-boarding, as I like to do each December, and have thought deeply about who I want to be or how I want to show up this year.

As soon as I walked into the vision-boarding party (I usually do this alone), 2 friends grabbed my hands and proceeded to write, in Sharpie, on my hands: “Knucks”, as they called this game, is where you write 2 different 4-letter words describing the person, as temporary tattoos, on the unsuspecting person’s knuckles. Mine were “best” and “bath.” (I can share more details with you over drinks 😊). These were my kind of people.

Throughout the evening, I was able to hide away, deep think, and create 4 themes for myself for the next year.

  1. Creating moments
  2. Space between
  3. Reciprocal connections
  4. Grand gestures

(Again, I can share more details with you over drinks)

Having these simple yet personally powerful themes established help to guide my decisions and actions for the year.

If you are looking for some ways to get your juices flowing, another idea is to text 5 people and ask them to describe you in a few words. Then decide if that’s how you want to show up in the next chapter of your life, or if you want to go for something different.

Last year I did that during an event and I got:
Carrie: Vibrant, Honest, Playful, Smart
Courtney: Effervescent, Knowledgeable, Genuine
Mom: Enthusiastic, Supportive, Connect with People
Katie: Giving, Authentic, Observant
Erin: Zesty, Inspiring, Curious as Hell, Best Friend in the World, Hell of a Hiker, Kick-Ass Businesswoman, Great Listener

I decided to lean into listener, playful, observant, and giving.

Here’s to your new year, and who you choose to be. I would love to hear.

Best, Julie


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