Women’s Summit, Hidden Page

You are part of the Women’s Summit, and we are delighted! Find the part that relates to you. And thank you, thank you, thank you.

A. Presenters

A. Presenters (Keynotes & Breakout Sessions)

  1. Please read (and adhere to) the Adult Learners PDF. Some of you are seasoned presenters to adult learners, and some are not. This guide can be really helpful, and it’s what our attendees have come to expect.
  2. Please have an updated LinkedIn profile. These are professional women and that’s the most common way they connect at these types of events and check you out before the conference. If you don’t have one, they will think you aren’t as credible/professional as you are. Please feel free to let me know if you want help with making one, and my assistant can assist you.
  3. Please send us a professional head shot to accompany your bio and course write-up. As a picture is worth a thousand words, potential attendees partially determine if they think you are credible upon the photo of you (not fair, but true of humans). If you don’t have one, let us know.
  4. Please recommend a book that accompanies your session. Either a book that you have pulled some of your research from or one that you recommend on the topic (that you have read). Along with your session description and bio, please email us the book title & author.
  5. Would you mind doing some social media posts for us?
  6. For YOU:
    1.  Free attendance for the day you are presenting (the other day can be purchased at 1/2 price valued at $209) for tickets purchased by March 1 or payment (lesser value)
    2. Added optional bonus thank-you gift: 1 free coaching session of 1.5 hours (value $300) or 1 free online women’s leadership academy course (value $279) scheduled within the year.
    3. Certificate of presentation

Sample & format of what we’d like:

Attention management: managing priorities, energy, and dynamics
Julie Lancaster, President of Lancaster Consulting; Cultivating Lifelong Leaders

Efficiency is a modern addiction; faster is better is a flagship mantra of our current day culture.  We will take a different look at productivity where we will examine how we pay attention, focus our energy, and create positive morale around us. This is an engaging and participatory session that has participants examine their inner and outer leadership and intentionally chart their course in being the leader they aspire to be.


  • Energy management & mapping
  • Focus & attention
  • Brain-training for living our best lives
  • Team morale development

Book recommendation: Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo

Learning objectives

Participants will:

  • Examine your current goals and identify new areas for growth
  • Understand the term energy management
  • Examine where you direct your focus and create a plan to align actions with priorities
  • Learn how to positively impact team morale
  • Gain tools to motivate your team and create an environment of fulfillment and cohesion

Julie Lancaster, President of Lancaster Consulting; Cultivating Lifelong Leaders

Julie Lancaster knows that being a leader takes guts. Before being the founder of Lancaster Consulting, she walked the talk.  Julie first found her calling decades ago as a rock-climbing instructor.  She helped thousands to look challenge in the face, to be vulnerable, to enthusiastically strive for tall goals, and to celebrate hard work together.  Through finding her calling, she found her true voice.  Today, as the president of Lancaster Consulting, she now supports others to delight in their successes and overcome their challenges.  She has been honored to be Dean of Education, Career Services Director, Entrepreneur of the Month, Businesswoman of the Month, and Adjunct Instructor of the Year, and to support outstanding clients as a leadership coach, consultant, and trainer in many sectors. Now with decades of leadership in the U.S. and beyond, her experience guides her practice. Although she travels around the country working with teams who aspire to flourish, she calls Flagstaff, Arizona home. www.LancasterLeadership.com

B. Exemplary Women Panelists

B. Exemplary Women Panelists

We all know that panels can be wonderfully inspiring or dreadfully dull. We know what makes the difference: story instead of advice. Please come prepared to share one story from your experience connecting to the following. You will have approximately 7-10 minutes each for your story,and then plenty of time for questions and answers.

  • A challenge you’ve faced that relates to topics covered at the summit
  • A specific strategy you use to be more effective or influential at work, relating to this topic
  • A leadership skill that you possess now that was hard won


If you would like to attend the event (say yes!), we’ve got a discounted ticket for you until March 1st!  We’d like to give you an added  thank-you gift: 1 free online women’s leadership academy course (value $279).

Would you please do 5+ posts on social media? Choose your sites: LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter…

C. Non-Profit Recipients

C. Non-profit recipient

We are delighted to share some of our proceeds with you.

Could you please send a 1 or 2 recipients to receive your big check on the second day of the event from the stage?

Would you please do 5+ posts on social media or your listserve to advertise the event? Choose your sites: LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, newsletter…

D. Lifelong Learning Leaders Award Nominees

D. Lifelong Learning Leaders Award Nominees

The nominees show an exemplary commitment to personal leadership growth. They have attended 3+ Lancaster Consulting Women’s Summits and must attend the 2020 summit to win  (3 awards : gold, silver, bronze). People will be submitting their nominations with their registrations.

If you are a nominee, we recommend preparing a 1-2 minute speech about your learning journey.  If you win, you will be asked to speak. Feel free to announce this nomination on your social media accounts!

E. Summit Team

E. Summit Team (helpful volunteers)

Yay for the Summit Team! You’ve probably taken a look at the website; it’s so exciting!

  1. The commitment for being on this team is probably (creating the airplane as it’s flying):
    • 2 meetings ahead of the summit at my house
      • First meeting on December 19, 2019 1:30pm-3:00pm
    • Some job, pre-event or during the event
  2. The tasks that we’d love to have the team help with are:
    • Hanging posters around town, distributing invitations/cards, promoting & attending webinar/launch party, social media promotion to your people, stuffing swag bags, making name tags, registration/information table, room support, greeting panelists, and random other help we haven’t thought of yet. 
  3. Your reward?
    • A discounted ticket and a chance to hang with amazing women and be part of something awesome! (It’s just a little discount, as this new venue and program are expensive, but we love you.)  We are shooting for 200 attendees, and we have lots of amazing things happening behind the scenes right now.
  4. How you can help right now:
    • We’ve got a bunch of folks coming to the event from out of town. Might you have an extra room in your house to house someone (only someone that I, Julie, already know and think is awesome).
    • We love doing a raffle. Got anything/can you acquire something for us to raffle? We request that the value be $30-$350 and would be seen as amazing by our attendees.

Once it’s time, please help us get the word out and post about event on social media 5+ times. Questions? Please correspond directly to Elizabeth Vogler, Summit Manager, at office@LancasterLeadership.com.

F. Sponsors

F. Sponsors

Thank you for supporting bold and authentic women leaders.

If you would like for us to distribute business cards, rack cards, or flyers in the swag bags, please arrange a time with us to acquire them.

As some sponsorship levels include discounted tickets, please email us so that we can get appropriate discount codes to you.

Sponsor levels and benefits:
Gold Gifter: $499

Sponsorship benefits include:

  • Prominent (largest) logo on the promotional flyer and website
  • Your company with logo and link mentioned on other promotional material, including online announcements and social media announcements (minimum 4 social media announcements)
  • Your business cards and flyers at the event
    Your business will be featured on one guest table as the sponsor for that table (and listed as Gold level)
  • Sponsors who wish to attend get the following:
    • 5 discounted tickets of $50 off until March 1st
    • a table to display and promote your business, which is included with sponsorship
Silver Supporter: $399

Sponsorship benefits include:

  • Your logo on the promotional flyer & website
  • Your company mentioned on other promotional material, including online announcements and social media announcements
    (minimum 3 social media announcements)
  • Your business cards and flyers at the event
    Your business will be featured on one guest table as the sponsor for that table
  • Sponsors who wish to attend get:
    • 1 discount ticket of $50 off until March 1
    • (optional upgrade) a table to display your business @$49

Bronze Benefactor: $299

Sponsorship benefits include:

  • Your logo on the promotional flyer and website
  • Your company mentioned on other promotional material, including one online announcement and one social media announcement
  • Your business cards and flyers at the event
    Your business will be featured on one guest table as the sponsor for that table 
  • (optional upgrade) a table to display your business @$49

Want more information about the Summit?

Check it all out at: https://www.lancasterleadership.com/summit/

Questions? Office@LancasterLeadership.com