Remote Leadership

We want to provide you concrete and practical tips to be more effective right now.

Following are 4 of the best tips we’ve seen out there:

Tip 1: Have a daily check-in. Whenever possible, this should be one-on-one, and face-to-face via video. Phone conversations and email only go so far. Your team needs to see you, and you need to see them. At first, this should be every day. The purpose is simple–set the agenda and provide the feedback and resources your team members need. Read full source here

Tip 2: Encourage collaboration among team members. Leaders should be role models for building relationships and start calls with questions about employees’ families and personal life. People appreciate that effort, especially if someone remembers a detail about their life. A study was done by professors at Boston College and Arizona State University. They suggest managers set aside a few minutes during a conference call so that coworkers can chat and learn about each other to make it easier for them to interact about business. Read full source here

Tip 3: Clearly explain goals and expectations. Communicating goals and expectations in small bits or sharing such information on a need to know basis is a common transgression in remote work. Such habits will keep employees from seeing the bigger picture and understanding the role they play in it. News about latest developments gets around the office easier. This is not the case with remote workers, so it is extra important to clearly explain goals and expectations and how their work fits into that picture. When they know this, their motivation will be higher. Read full source here

Tip 4: Be flexible. Understand that, especially in the current environment, your team has a lot going on. That’s not an excuse for not getting things done, but it is a reason to reconsider what productivity really means. Punching a clock for eight hours is out. Regular work hours are also probably out for many people. Instead, trust your team and give them the freedom and flexibility to get work done on the schedule that helps them be the most productive. That’s good for your team in the long run anyway. Read full source here


The Power of Pleasure

It was a revelation to me when I began studying Somatic Experiencing® to realize the importance of being able to access pleasure – that it is foundational for increasing capacity …

Having Difficult Conversations: How to create a feedback-seeking culture

In the beginning of each Leadership Academy, I ask every participant to do a self- assessment about their strengths and areas for growth. One area of growth consistently rises to …


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