
Thanks for joining us.  Here is the recording for the event you just attended, as well as a few others to support your leadership journey.

Supporting you & your best life,  Julie

Masterclass: How Leadership Has Changed: 7 Key Takeaways from the Pandemic on Managing & Motivating

Webinar: Civil Discourse – Community Dialogue During Social Unrest

Webinar: The Two Essentials in Challenging Times: Energy & Purpose

Free Group Coaching Call: Strategic Planning for your Life 

Do you ever feel like you are working hard but aren’t making headway enough?
Do you want to be more strategic in your life, living with purpose, intention and also joy?


Define a high-level direction (1 category & 1 theme)
“If you don’t know where you are headed, you will end up somewhere else.” – Yogi Berra

Dream big, regardless of constraints.

Get strategic. Define the details. (but only after Strategy #2)
Strategic initiative (i.e. health)
Goal (i.e. lose 10 lbs)
Objectives (the how/actions; i.e. 20 min. walks with friends on Mondays)
SMART goals: specific, measurable, attainable, results-oriented (relevant), time-bound

Get a mentor for this strategic initiative

Check in about your direction until it’s accomplished & get an accountability partner.
“Rinse & repeat” (start over with a new goal)

Audio: Strategic Planning for your Life 

Webinar: Creating A Culture Of Trust And High Morale


Take away #1     Get crystal clear on your team’s desired collective results. Communicate them.
To adapt culture & morale, no “they mentality” (you are part of the problem & solution)
Patrick Lencioni CRO mentality
Daniel Coyle, The Culture Code, Inc. magazine research

Take away #2     Create a feedback seeking culture. Only tolerate direct communication
You ask for specific feedback
Blame feedback/input on your research
Ask permission to give feedback

Take away#3      Create positive focus
Ask team to assess culture. Go fishing if necessary
Coaching by numbers
5:1 rule
Staff meeting updates:  successes & what you need help with

Audio: Creating A Culture Of Trust And High Morale